Accounting Department BINUS University was founded in 1996 alongside with the establishment of BINUS University. The department started with 200 students in 1996, where by now more than 1,200 active students are registered. Until 2019, Accounting BINUS delivered 5,637 alumni to #FosteringandEmpowering Indonesia.
BINUS Accounting is recognized as one of the best accounting study programs in Indonesia awarded by Kementerian Penddikan dan Kebudayaan by Accreditation A for three times in a row:
- 2007 according to SK No. 015 / BAN-PT / Ak-X / S1 / VII / 2002
- 2013 according to SK No. 030 / SK / BAN-PT / Ak-XV / S / I / 2013
- 2017 (until 2022) according to SK No. 4896 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / S / XII / 2017