A. Training Applied Tax Brevet
Is training or courses organized tax applied in order to prepare Bina Nusantara University accounting graduates who are ready to use with certification  Brevet A, B and C as one of the conditions required as a tax authority in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22/PMK.03 / 2008 which requires them alone the power to tax have tax certificate Brevet
Training Program
 I. Regular Training
1. Brevet A
Graduates of certification A trainee is expected to master the material tax-related calculations, collection , depositing,

and reporting of Income Tax (PPh) individual taxpayers, VAT, KUP, the United Nations and BPHTB.
2. Brevet B
Graduates of the license B participants are expected to master the material tax-related calculations, collection, positing,

and reporting of Income Tax (PPh) corporate taxpayers, VAT, KUP, the United Nations, BPHTB, the Tax Court.
3. Brevet C

Graduates of the license B participants are expected to master the material tax-related calculations, collection ,

depositing, and reporting of Income Tax (PPh) corporate taxpayers Foreign Investment (PMA), VAT, KUP, the United

Nations, BPHTB, the Tax Court, and stamp duty.

II. Brevet  Exam Review
This review program is offered only for students of Bina Nusantara University semester taxation specialization lines 6

and above. The purpose of this program is to facilitate taxation specialization students who have obtained a full tax-in-

class materials and want to get a certificate of license without regular certification training.
III. USKP Review
USKP (Exam Certification of Tax Consultants) is a certification exam that must be taken by tax practitioners who will

open an office or a tax consultant tax authority for tax evaders. Program USKP this review offers some of the following:
Deepening USKP material in the form of comprehensive exercises, which are close to the actual exam.
• Assistance by a competent teacher during the preparatory process USKP.
• Managing registration of participants who will follow USKP
The program was implemented within 1 month of intensive.


 B. Tax Mini Laboratory

Accounting Student serve as a tax consultant


C. Workshop and Seminars


D. Centre of Tax Research.