Examples of Perception Satisfaction using e-filling systems such as: (1) the e-filling systemhelps in reporting efficiently; (2) The e-filling system assists in reporting on a timely basis; (3) Can save cost and energy when using e-filling; (4) It can effectively meet the needs; (5) Provide the required information when using e-filling; (6) Provide information according to the required format; (7) Satisfied with the e-filling service; (8) Have an enjoyable experience; (9) Feel proud to have used e-filling and so on.

Definition of Perception of satisfaction in the use of e-filling systems as follows: In the research of Dewi and Dwirandra (2013) “User satisfaction are things that include assessments including the assessment of system users when using the information system will have a potential impact on the system itself”.  User satisfaction is a feeling that arises in receiving an information system from benefits that arise according to one’s expectations where these feelings are born from interaction with information systems (Agustina & Anim, 2018).  According to Utami and Osesoga (2017) user satisfaction is a condition where a person’s wants and needs are met.

Stacie et al. (2008:239) say that user satisfaction is the level of user satisfaction with reports, websites, and support services.  In the research of Pratama and Suputra (2019) according to Davis et al. (1989) states “That interest behaves or uses as a degree how strong a person’s desire or drive to perform certain behaviors is. When a person sees that something will be useful, then he will become interested so that it will bring impetus to achieve that satisfaction”.


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