Literally leadership means the nature, capacity and ability of a person to lead. The meaning of leadership itself is very broad and varies based on the scientists who explain it. Examples of leadership styles in everyday life are the way parents educate their children in various ways. There is a style of educating parents that supports all activities that children like, there is a style of educating parents that requires children to follow the will of parents and so on.

Likewise, in the company, in running the company, the company’s leadership uses a directive and supportive style and so on in achieving the company’s goals. Likewise, in a company, directive leadership styles include leaders who know and direct project tasks that must be carried out by employees. Supportive leadership styles, for example, emphasize the relationship between the personnel and the subordinates by giving instructions with free speech. Participatory leadership styles, for example, spv leaders invite discussion in solving problems that arise before making decisions. Achievement-oriented leadership styles, for example, have leaders who give their subordinates confidence that they can do tasks well.

The definition of leadership style according to experts is as follows according to Rivai and Mulyadi in Kumala & Agustina (2018: 27) defines that “Leadership style is a set of traits that leaders use to influence subordinates so that organizational goals can be achieved or it can also be said that leadership style is a pattern of behavior and strategy that is liked and often applied by a leader”. According to Soekarso in Kumala & Agustina (2018:2), leadership style is the behavior or action of the leader in influencing the members or followers and the behavior or actions of the leader in carrying out the tasks of managerial work. Leadership is an effort made by the leader to motivate people to achieve the goals to be achieved.

According to (Hersey and Blanchard, 1985), leadership is a process that can influence the activities of a person or group of people to achieve a goal in a particular situation. According to Gibson et al, (1991), leadership is an attempt to use a type of influence not coercion in motivating people to achieve certain goals. According to Stoner (Andiwilaga, 2016: 64), leadership style is a variety of behavior patterns preferred by leaders in the process of directing and influencing workers. According to Thoha (Andiwilaga, 2018:65), leadership style is a behavioral norm used by a person when that person tries to influence other behaviors.  From the opinions of experts above, it can be said that leadership style is a way / trait / behavior of  leaders in directing employees to achieve company goals.


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