Smart Society is to create a socio-technical ecosystem of society that is humanist, productive, communicative, dynamic, interactive both physical and virtual for the creation of a productive, communicative, and interactive society with high digital literacy.  Smart Society or smart society is the ability of local governments to create a socio-technical (social-virtual) ecosystem of society that is humanist, productive, dynamic, communicative, and interactive with high digital literacy.

Smart Society aims to realize the participation of community through the empowerment of community interaction, the development of learning systems, and the implementation of security and safety management. The concept of Smart Society is applied and measured in 3 (three) sub-dimensions, namely (1) Community (Community)  ; (2) Learning Ecosystem, and (3) Community security.

Smart Society development initiatives are carried out on several indicators as follows:

  1. Realizing (community). Community social interaction occurs in parallel between individuals and other individuals, individuals with social groups, and between social groups, both physically and virtually (digitally) with the aim of realizing public participation in regional development. Example: various programs to support various Smart City advancements such as youth programs, SME skills improvement and so on. The development of citizen communities through improving the quality of human resources both individually and socially is able to utilize the digital environment positively and productively. For example, education about the market place and so on.
  2. Build e kosistem belajar yang efisien (learning). Realizing an education ecosystem that supports each other between formal and non-formal education to provide the widest possible opportunity for all levels of society to gain access to education, including for people with disabilities. Building educational platforms for the community such as smart schools, smart campuses, smart islamic boarding schools, smart training programs and so on.
  3. Realizing s istem keamanan masyarakat (security). Realizing a security and safety system or management for community members, both protection of life safety, safety of property or property, and safety of disaster risks for the community by utilizing government resources and fittings as well as digital sensor technology or the Internet of Thing (IoT).

Examples of smart society applications such as the formation of various digital communities, co-working space programs and so on.


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