Dechow F-Score merupakan metode pendeteksian fraud yang mengembangkan metode perhitungan Beneish M-Score dan dinilai lebih komprehensif dibandingkan Beneish M-Score karena cakupan pengujian data meliputi keseluruhan dari Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases (AAERs) yang diterbitkan oleh SEC pada 1982 hingga 2005 dibandingkan dengan Beneish M-Score yang hanya meliputi AAERs pada 1982 hingga 1992 (Aghghaleh et al., 2016). Apabila hasil f-score menunjukkan hasil lebih besar dari 1, maka terdapat indikasi fraud pada perusahaan dan jika hasil menunjukkan lebih kecil dari 1 maka menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan tidak terindikasi fraud (Ratmono et al., 2020).

Value = -7.893 + 0.790*RSST + 2.518* REC + 1.191* INV + 1.979*SOFTASSETS + 0.171* CASHSALES – 0.932* ROA + 1.029*ISSUE


Dechow F-Score diformulasikan sebagai berikut:

Variabel dalam Dechow F-Score dovetail sebagai berikut:

Variabel Formula
RSST ( WC + NCO + FIN)/Average Total Assets


WC = [Current Assets – Cash and Short-term Investments] – [Current Liabilities – Debt in Current Liabilities];

NCO = [Total Assets – Current Assets – Investments and Advances – [Total Liabilities – Current Liabilities – Long-term Debt];

Fin = [Short-term Investments + Long-term Investments] – [Long-term Debt + Debt in Current Liabilities + Prederred Stock]

REC Accounts Receivables/Average Total Assets
INV Inventory/Average Total Assets
SOFTASSETS [Total Assets – PPE – Cash and cash equivalents]/Total Assets
CASHSALES Percentage change in cash sales [Sales – Accounts Receivables]
ROA [Earnings t/Average total assets t] – [Earnings t-1/Average total assets t-1]
ISSUE An indicator variable coded 1 if the firm issued securities during year t


  • Aghghaleh, S. F., Mohamed, Z. M., & Rahmat, M. M. (2016). Detecting Financial Statement Frauds in Malaysia: Comparing the Abilities of Beneish and Dechow Models. Asian Journal of Accounting and Governance, 7(November), 57–65.
  • Ratmono, D., Darsono, D., & Cahyonowati, N. (2020). Financial Statement Fraud Detection With Beneish M-Score and Dechow F-Score Model: An Empirical Analysis of Fraud Pentagon Theory in Indonesia. International Journal of Financial Research, 11(6), 154.

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