Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is one of the models built to analyze and understand the factors that influence the acceptance of the use of computer technology. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which was first introduced by Fred Davis in 1986, is an application and development of Fishbein and Ajzen’s Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) which is specialized to model user acceptance of information systems. TAM aims to explain and estimate user acceptance of an information system. TAM provides a theoretical basis to determine the factors that influence the acceptance of a technology in an organization. TAM explains the causal relationship between beliefs (of the usefulness of an information system and its ease of use) and the behavior, goals/needs, and actual use of users/users of an information system.

The original construction of TAM formulated by Davis, is perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, behavioral intention, and actual system use.

  1. Perceived Usefulness
    Perceived usefulness is a phase where a person believes that the user of a particular system will be able to increase that person’s work performance. Based on this definition, it can be interpreted that the usefulness of using ICT can increase the performance, work performance of anyone who uses it.
  2. Perceived Ease of Use
    Perceived ease of use is a level where a person believes that the use of a particular system can reduce a person’s effort in doing something. The frequency of use and interaction between the user and the system is also able to show the ease of use. The system that is used more often shows that the system is better known, easier to operate and easier to use by its users.
  3. Attitude Toward Using
    Attitude toward using is a pro or contra attitude towards the application of a product. The pro or contra attitude towards a product can be applied to predict a person’s behavior or intention to use a product or not to use it. Attitude toward using technology, defined as an evaluation of the user about his curiosity in using technology.
  4. Behavioral intention
    Behavioral intention to use is a behavioral tendency to keep applying a technology. The level of use of a computer technology on a person can be predicted from the attitude and attention of the user to the technology, for example, there is a desire to add supporting peripherals, the desire to continue to use, and the desire to influence other users.
  5. Actual System Use
    Actual system usage is a real condition of system application. Someone will feel happy to use the system if they believe that the system is not difficult to use and proven to increase their productivity, which is reflected in the real conditions of use. The form of measurement of actual system usage is how often and duration of use of ICT.

The application of TAM theory to online shopping refers to the use of the internet in business, from the electronic exchange of information to the application of business strategies, such as marketing, sales, and customer service. Acceptance of the technology acceptance model in online shopping is influenced by the experience of using the internet which is indicated by hours of use which will affect the ease of use and provide benefits so that it affects the desire of internet users to buy goods from online shopping and also affects the increasing purchasing power of users.

In the end, the purpose and objective of TAM is to provide a basis in order to determine the influence of external factors on internal beliefs, attitudes, and intentions. TAM is formulated to achieve this goal by identifying a small number of key variables, obtained from previous research on theory and the determinants of technology acceptance, and applying TRA as a theoretical background in modeling relationships between variables.


  • Lee, Y., Kozar, K. A., & Larsen, K. R. (2003). The technology acceptance model: Past, present, and future. Communications of the Association for information systems12(1), 50.
  • Chuttur, M. Y. (2009). Overview of the technology acceptance model: Origins, developments and future directions. Working Papers on Information Systems9(37), 9-37.

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