? Accounting Study Program (Accounting, Finance, Accounting Technology, and Finance International Program) Binus University proudly presents International Online Seminar “Impact of COVID-19 on Financial Reporting” ?

Hello Binusian,

COVID-19 has a broad impact on both the economy and activities. The creation of new policies such as lockdown, work from home, and social distancing make people to do their activities from home, including work. This also affects demand and supply in the market, which make income to be threatened. The information that can be generated in the financial statements becomes concern and could threaten the state of the company. What impact does COVID-19 have on the company’s financial statements? How does the reporting system work in this uncertain situation? What action could the company’s take to face COVID-19’s pandemic?

In this seminar, Mr. Koh Kim Siang as a speaker will explain more regarding to the situation and give you new knowledge about the business process in uncertain situation in International Online Seminar “Impact of COVID-19 on Financial Reporting”.

Seminar will be held on:

? Saturday, 20 June 2020
⏰ 14.00 – 16.00 WIB
Zoom (TBA)

Link: bit.ly/COVID-19toFinancialReporting


You will get some privileges like:

? Knowledge
? E-certificate (International Seminar)
➕ SAT points

For more information, please contact:

(1)  Archie Nathanael Mulyawan
? : +62 812 9007 5577
? line: archienathanael

(2) Jonathan Tanuwijaya
?: +62 819 2777 0000
? line: jonathan3811


Best Regards,
